The Co-Producing Accessible Legal Information (COALITION) Project was a collaboration between Rosie Harding from Birmingham Law School, Amanda Keeling of the University of Leeds, Sophie O’Connell of Wilsons Solicitors, Philipa Bragman and Andrew Lee from People First. We used facilitated co-production research workshops to explore barriers to access to legal services for people with learning disabilities, and to investigate how legal services could be made more accessible to disabled people with cognitive impairments.
The resources you can access through this page were produced through the Co-Producing Accessible Legal Information (COALITION) Project, funded by the University of Birmingham QR Participatory Research Fund. You can find out more about the project on our Research Findings page.
Our Legal Services Templates
We developed a set of easy read templates that legal service providers can use to make their services more accessible to people with learning disabilities.

Our Templates include:
- A template ‘Letter of Engagement’ which sets out the kind of information that would usually be found in a client care letter.
- An easy read letter that professional deputies can use to introduce themselves and the service they provide.
- An easy read guide to what a property and financial affairs deputy can do.
How to Access the Templates
You can access and download our legal services templates through the MICRA gateway platform.
These documents are available as digital downloads for legal service providers to use and adapt. They are provided as a training resource for legal service providers and a guide to increasing the accessibility of legal information. These resources do not constitute legal advice.
The COALITION Project legal services templates are completely free, and distributed under a CC-BY license. We only ask that you register your interest in the templates in order to access them. We would also like you to provide some contact information so that we can collect feedback about your use of the toolkit.
Who can I contact for more information about the templates?
You can contact the COALITION Project research team by emailing Professor Rosie Harding at r.j.harding@bham.ac.uk.
Where can I get help with developing Easy Read information?
The easy read information we share here was produced in collaboration with People First Ltd, and their Empower Enterprise team.
There are many suppliers of easy read translation services around the UK. Many self-advocacy groups offer easy read translation services. We encourage you to reach out to local suppliers to help you to develop relationships with small providers working in your area. Always ensure that your easy read materials are tested with users.
National suppliers of easy read translation services and image banks to support easy read development include:
- A2i: https://a2i.co.uk/services/easy-read/
- Change: https://www.changepeople.org/
- Empower Enterprise from People First: https://www.peoplefirstltd.com/pages/empower
- Easy Read Online: https://www.easy-read-online.co.uk/
- Photosymbols: https://www.photosymbols.com/
If you would like us to add a link to your easy read translation service here, please Contact Us.